Sunday, July 29, 2018

Catching up on Blogs, Catching up on Rules

I'm slowly catching up here in blogland. Slowly, haha. It's a lot to catch up on!

Sir and I are working on the house and working on us. D/s has gone just a little to the wayside. My collars are still packed in a box somewhere, with most of our toys. We're still having spankings and sexy fun times, but it's... different. It feels a little more vanilla to me (well, not the spankings).

So I have been trying to work on being more diligent about my old rules, working a little on that headspace. One of them was to make Sir lunch everyday. I have been working on that. I didn't make it on Wednesday night for him because I got into the house at 11:30 PM and pretty much passed out. But I've been better than I was, which was not making it at all.

I keep forgetting that Sir doesn't have access to cutlery at his job. If I do not pack forks/spoons/knives for him, he cannot eat the things I pack. I packed him a sandwich, fruit, and a salad. He couldn't eat the salad because I didn't pack him a fork.

I used to get punished for that. It's hard for me to remember, I guess, because I make my lunch at the same time, usually. And I don't have to pack cutlery, so I don't think about it.

Sir didn't punish me for that this time. He just let me know about it in that kind, but disapproving way that Doms have. The kind of way that makes you feel terrible inside, even though they're being "nice" and soft spoken.

Hopefully I will remember all this week!


  1. It makes sense about the cutlery rule. It's hard to dispute the logic behind it.

    And I certainly noticed your return to blogland! Thanks for all the comments. ( I think I managed to respond to all of them. And as a very appreciated "regular", I am still willing to honor any last-minute 'dares' of yours if that sort of thing appeals to you. Just a few days left before July ends. ;-) )

    And as for the D/s stuff? Sometimes even a little can be just enough. All the best!

    1. I'm still playing catch up, but a little here, a little there, and I'll be all caught up!

      I definitely understand the rule, just kicking myself for constantly forgetting.

  2. I Lea,

    It's great to see you post :) I have been awol from blogland lately too due to tech issues and am just trying to catch up. Good luck remembering the cutlery!


    1. Thanks, Roz. I'm sorry you've been having tech issues - glad you're back too!

  3. Here's to working on the headspace thing! I know it well ;)


  4. Oh man, headspace, yes.

    Ah! The struggle is real with remembering to pack the cutlery. I started putting cutlery in other places: His bag, car, jacket pocket, always in the lunch bag and then I would just pack another set each day, so always a set and then a back-up set somewhere.

    1. I should hide some "emergency cutlery" in other places!

  5. Your not alone Lea I had a moment like that last week. I offered to make Sir a ham and cheese sandwhich for lunch for his work day as he is terrible at taking time to eat! Skip to the next day I asked him as per my rules my lunch options and he said have a cheese sandwhich because I didn't get one πŸ˜•. πŸ˜‘ I completely forgot and felt horrendous! I asked him to smack my legs because I just couldn't get past it!

  6. welcome back. i haven't been around much either with hospital issues (parents) to deal with and what not.. so I'm slowing catching up too!

    1. Gotta take care of things in "real life". Hope they're doing okay!


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