Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Not that kind of Switch, Mom!

 For my birthday, Sir gifted me a Switch. And of course, my favorite video game to go with it. We're finally getting to a place where discretionary income is a thing again!

I was floored and so very excited! I'm a huge Zelda fan. I've been playing nearly my entire life with my dad. This will actually be the first major console Zelda release I'll play entirely without him. 

My mom called to wish me a Happy Birthday and asked if I had gotten a present from Sir. So I told her excitedly that he got me a Switch.

She was silent for a long time.

Then she said quietly, "... like, to beat you with?"

Oh. My. God.

I just started laughing. I couldn't even breathe. 

In between gasps of air, I replied:

"Yeah, and he made me pick it out and cut it off the tree, too."

 I eventually explained to her that no, of course it's not that kind of switch; that it's a Nintendo (she remembers me and my dad playing the old ones).

I'm just thinking of the other use of the word. Her brain would probably implode.

This exchange did make me wonder. Is this just a fluke? Her old-school sense of that word and the only thing she could think of?

Or does she somehow, know?

I suppose it could be both.

Hopefully not, though!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Birthday Spankings

My birthday was last week. Our original plans with friends got cancelled.

But being home and alone does have its advantages.

I woke up being spanked. After several sets, Sir asked me if I knew how many were in each set. I did not.

"Are you not counting?" Sir asked.

"No... I'm barely awake," I replied.

"Well, you should."

So I did. Sir was spanking me in repeated sets of 38.

"Happy Birthday, Bitch".

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