Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sir's Task: D/s Goals

I took some time yesterday to complete Sir's task. To write my thoughts on long and short term goals.

It took me longer than I expected: Two hours.

I wrote about two pages, but it was conversational in tone. Sir has not let me see his as of yet, though he has read mine. I think he needs time to process and reflect on it. Sir has said in the past that he is a slow, deliberate thinker.

I spent some time really thinking about what I'd hope we'd be. What I'd hope for us in the future. And I think that was the bulk of the writing. Sir mentioned that his was a list, and it was a paragraph or two. Perhaps if I had made mine into a list, it'd be much shorter. But Sir's letter to me told me not to worry too much about the particulars, so I just... wrote.

This is what I came up with:

I'm curious as to what he wrote, and what he thinks of my writing. We'll see what Sir says.


  1. wat an open honest letter about the D/s goals. I bet you are anxious to know what he think of it.

    1. Thank you. I had been anxious. We didn't discuss it that first day; he read it and then we didn't discuss it until the next day.

  2. I would love to tweet a link of this post for our submissive women's group. With your permission, can I do this?

    1. Thank you for asking. I have no problems with this.


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