Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Technology Fails

Sir has gotten me more on the ball about me sending him a nightly photo. Except... my technology sucks. I sent him a photo at precisely midnight, and it arrives to him at 10pm the next day! 22 hours later is not acceptable, phone!

Luckily for me, Sir knows I sent it on time, and not 2 hours before the NEXT photo would be sent. My hands won't have to cramp up this time doing lines.

It's just a pain, however, because we're trying to make the most of being away from each other during the week. It's something I've wanted for a long time, so my crappy old G1 needs to start cooperating!


  1. Phones can cause lots of problems! Once I needed to respond to someone in a certain amount of time and the phone didn't send properly to do so. Later he made me send him a screenshot of my phone to show what time I'd really sent it on my end. Grr, T-mobile.

    1. A screenshot is a great idea! It'd be better if it would just work right the first time, but still, brilliant!

      Now I just have to figure out how to take a screenshot on my phone, lol.


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