Sunday, July 06, 2014

Sir's Gift to Myself

A bit ago, Sir decided that I should take a little bit of the stipend I earned from working overtime and choose to do something for myself. With that, I've done some things, and managed to save a big portion of it too.

I spruced up my backyard (even though I'm moving, I can enjoy it for the next two months, then hopefully take some of the plants and other accoutrements with us). I really enjoy gardening; it relaxes me, and I also find sitting down there with some iced tea, a book or my laptop really helps me unwind; especially now that the space is nice.

I also hosted a 4th of July barbecue for friends and family.

And I bought a dress.

Part of getting the yard together was to have a decent place to host the barbecue. And I do admit, the yard is coming together nicely. The party was fun - a lot of work, but a good time seeing everyone. I've not actually hosted a party or any real event since I moved here in October! We have so. much. food. leftover. I'll be eating it all week.

When I was at Walmart getting things for the barbecue, there was a dress there that I thought was perfect for Independence Day. And it was on sale, so I didn't feel bad buying a new dress. Sir said he really liked the dress too! This will be the last new dress for some time, so I should revel in it.

Hopefully we can have a Farewell to NJ party before we move, but first, we actually have to find an apartment. And jobs. I'm looking everyday, hoping something good comes our way!

I still can't believe we're moving in together!

Anything for a Giggle

Reason Eleventy-Billion Why I Love My Sir:

He makes me take my medicine, even when I don't want to and am being a grumpy grump.

Then he cheers me up - I walk into the room and he is wearing my bra over his shirt lol.

I told him I was surprised he could get it on.

He squeaked, "It's tight!"

I love this man.
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