Friday, February 16, 2018

FFF: Good Week, Need to Track Sleep

Another Fit for Friday is here!

Fondles had some interesting articles on her FFF blog about Interval Weight Loss. I looked up more after reading her post. Essentially, you reset your body's "settling" point. The weight it seems to want to be at. I don't know if you've noticed that, but my body certainly has! It seems to want to settle at 190 lbs. So you do a month of losing (a small amount, 2 kg or about 4 lbs for the month, followed by a month of maintaining. Then another month of losing. I may look into trying it.

Here's my wrap-up for the week:

Workouts: I did two sports practices this week, on Wednesday and Thursday. Saturday I did a quick interval training workout. On Sunday, I also threw in a cardio/strength workout video right before bed, since I ate too much and I felt guilty, haha. I didn't make it through the whole video but I'm still proud. Its been a rough week and I'm glad with what I did. I didn't even want to go to practice yesterday (felt nauseous), and I definitely didn't want to do that cardio workout after all the eating I did Sunday!

As an aside, I got my tax return back and happily spent about half of it on all-new gear for my sport. Sir went with me to try everything on and pick it all out, which was awesome of him. He's even thinking about getting some of his old gear out so we can practice together (his sport is different but has some similarities to mine. He also hasn't played in years. I forget sometimes that his team won their National Championship back in the day!) I've only had my new gear for two practices and I'm noticing a big difference in my performance! I was borrowing gear, and using some literally ten year old gear I had up until this point. Now I just gotta break it all in!

Eating: I ate under maintenance for 5 days. I ate under my goal for 1, and went over maintenance one day, on Sunday. Not by much, but still. My aunt is visiting my mom from Alaska and she made these amazing lamb steaks with roasted asparagus!! My brother also bought me donuts for breakfast that morning, hahaha. Could have been worse! Sir and I had a great dinner for Valentine's Day but I still managed to stay under maintenance!

Weight: I lost 0.8 lbs compared to last week. I was being sulky about it (was hoping I would be less than I was when I started FFF, hoping the initial gain was water weight or something... But Sir put me to rights... "What I heard was that you lost weight! Good job!"

Stress: I didn't make time for Yoga this week. But, I did take an extended hot bubble bath, while reading a book and enjoying a decaf coffee. Definitely felt relaxing!

Decluttering: I brought the giant pile of clothes to the donation place this week. I also amassed a small laundry basket full of other assorted items to donate. A couple books, an old backpack, picture frames, a ladle... I honestly don't remember all what was in there, but it was good stuff that hopefully will help out another family at the local thrift shop! I started a pile of books to go through (donate, give away, maybe read and then donate)... I have a LOT of books. This is going to be my struggle. Its hard for me to not amass books, and will be harder still to give them away if I haven't read them yet!

Oh! While I was cleaning the bedroom, I realized just how much random kinky stuff Sir and I have just... laying around. It's just him and me living here, and we don't have friends or relatives close by that drop in. Ever. So stuff just accumulates. This is what I amassed to actually put away properly (definitely not getting rid of this stuff):

Sleep: I'm going to add this category starting this week. I haven't slept right the past few nights and I really need to be more mindful of this, especially once I return to work in a couple of weeks! I really want to aim for 8 hours, that's typically when I feel my best, but 7 is a good minimum goal, I think. Last night I got 5.

Hope you all had a verifiably good Valentine's week working on your goals!!!


  1. Well done Lea, sounds like a great week.
    Hugs Lindy xx

  2. I'm glad you found the links useful! Good job on the decluttering!

    1. Thanks, Fondles. I appreciated your comment back on for a month, it being 2 lbs vs 4 as well!

  3. Good on you Lea, you are doing well with your goals. I should probably add sleep also (terrible sleeping habits).


    1. Thank you, Roz, I feel very motivated... for now, haha!

      I added an app to my phone to help me track it. There are so many, but I wanted a simple one. I went with one called Sleep Debt Tracker.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Daisy. I think putting it out here on Friday helps me when I'm thinking of making a bad choice.

  5. I'm super impressed! Especially with you de-cluttering - although, having been a bibliomaniac myself, I don't think books count as clutter and I don't think you should ever feel like yo have to get rid of any of them. But that's just me. And that's why whew I decided to move, I had to get rid of about 5,000 books. But I still have - I don't know - hundreds? Maybe a couple of thousand? Yeah.

    1. Thank you, Olivia.

      I don't think of books as clutter per se. It's more that there were so many that I had just never read, ALL over the place. So it's time to read them or ... something. If I don't like a book, I can put it in the little free library, and maybe someone else will. My Sir and I are hoping to move in the next 6 months, and the thought of having to pack all those books, when I haven't read them or may not even like them is disheartening!

  6. Wow Lea, what a great update!! Keep up the good work!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Bleue. This is really helping me stay motivated and accountable!


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